Who We Are

Picture of co-founder Cherry Goh. CEO and CPO of Scholarly.

Cherry Goh

Go Cherry Goh!

You’ll hear this often if you ever visit the Scholarly office.

An NUS Computer Science graduate, with years of experience in the IT industry, she is our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Product Officer.

Passionate, innovative and strategic, she is set on making Scholarly the #1 education marketplace in Singapore.

Blessed with not only a sharp mind but also a soulful voice, she could give Lana Del Ray a run for her money.

Picture of co-founder Jerry Goh. CFO and CDO of Scholarly

Jerry Goh

Guys, check this out!

Are the words you hear before a eureka moment is pitched by Jerry.

Currently a student of Business and Finance at NTU, he is our Chief Financial Officer and Chief Design Officer.

Ambitious, articulate and creative,
he is set on revolutionising the tuition industry in Singapore.

He also loves his car, his cats and golfing.

Picture of co-founder Edmen Tam. CMO and CRO of Scholarly.

Edmen Tam

“It could be better.”

As a perfectionist, this is Edmen’s favorite phrase.

A veteran of the tech industry with almost a decade of experience, he is our Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Relations Officer.

Inspirational, artistic and relentless, he is set on making Scholarly a household brand.

He is also a talented musician, tennis player and most recently, a custom keyboard enthusiast.